The Daily Glow: An E-space for Healing and Growth

Surviving Graduate School As A POC, BIPOC, or Black Person (MA in Counseling)
Let's talk all things helping professionals and becoming a therapist! I am on track to graduate, in June of 2025, from an accredited Massachusetts licensed mental health counseling (LMHC) and licensed marriage and family (couple and family) therapist (LMFT) program. Here's how I survived grad school as a Black woman obtaining her masters degree in counseling and on my journey to officially becoming a licensed clinical mental health therapist. To preface, I will only speak from my experience and cannot speak on other marginalized identities and their circumstances while obtaining a masters degree in counseling. While my experience can serve as insight into obtaining a therapist degree for many, my identity is an important element in how I have had to navigate and survive grad school. This introduction feels daunting and somewhat dramatic, but overall my experience has been worth the investment. For clarity and structure, this blog will be split into three sections: mind (academics and mental health), body (physical health), and spirit (emotional wellbeing). For many, these three individual sections will be challenged during your journey of becoming a therapist, some categories more than others because of your identity. Let's jump right in! Background: My journey of Becoming a Therapist My school offers a program called the Behavioral Health Service Corps (BHSC). This program provides individuals with the opportunity to take two expense free masters level courses related to counseling. In addition to, receiving field experience. This opportunity was shared with me by a former high school classmate (thanks Queen) and I immediately jumped at the opportunity. However, I may have been a little over zealous, but I will explain later. After, I interviewed and was admitted into the program, the real work began. The courses that were offered were COU CC524 - Diversity, Difference, and Inclusion and COU GR501 -Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy. The BHSC was 100% remote due to Covid-19. I only met faculty and students through a computer screen and in the comfort of my own room. Another component of the program was to interview at a local mental health based institution and obtain placement, where we would serve for the year and gain clinical experience in the mental health counseling field. Here's where things get interesting! I graduated from undergrad. with a degree in English Literature. When we were tasked with interviewing in mental health professions, I began to panic because prior to beginning the program, I had limited to no experience in the mental health field. Nonetheless, a faculty member of the program jumped on a Zoom call with me prior to my interview and supported me through my feelings. In addition to, how I should approach the interview. I nailed it and also learned that majoring in English provided me with top transferrable skills. My English major provides me with the ability to communicate and manipulate language and words verbally and written for any and all circumstances. I won't speak too much about my experience related to working within an eating disorder, impatient and outpatient facility within this article. However, the things that I experienced and witnessed strengthened me as a current clinician, shed light on the business component of mental health, and also illuminated that I had not fully processed the death of my cousin a year prior. I completed the two courses with A's, finished my year long stint at my host-site (and even convinced them to let me stay on per diem), but I decided to halt becoming a full-time masters degree student in counseling. I utilized that year to volunteer as an Americorps Vista. I worked with queer youth (and non-queer youth) in an arts employment program in Boston, MA. I got my life (somewhat) together, and then applied for the full-time masters degree in counseling program. Becoming a therapist: the interview process During the second portion of my Americorps year, I made the decision to apply for the LMHC and LMFT program and obtain my masters degree in counseling. With the help of my three raving recommendations, mission statement, and stellar academic portfolio I applied with the stipulation that I would only attend grad school if I am able to attend for free! Who does this girl think she is, right? Well, if you knew my undergraduate academic journey, you would understand why free education was important to me and a non-negotiable. The interview process was straightforward. I was interviewed by a faculty member and she asked me questions to assess if I was a "good fit for the program", but one question shook me a bit. I mentioned that I paused my academic journey towards becoming a therapist for a year because I didn't feel ready and had not processed my cousin's death. I was then asked, "How do you know that you're ready now?" I was shocked, but that was a valid question. I explained that mentally, I am more ready now than I was before. This professor is now my favorite and most admired in the program! The interview concluded and a few weeks later I received my acceptance letter via email and in the mail. Becoming a therapist: year one How much does it cost to become a therapist? You are paying for 60 credits of coursework. Plus, field experience includes at least 360 hours of practicum and 600 hours of internship and this is often unpaid. I mentioned previously that I completed two credits prior to entering the program, and was unwilling to attend a counseling masters program that I had to pay for. Here's how I cut costs my first year, the two credits allowed me to begin the program with two less courses than those that did not participate in the BHSC. I also applied to three scholarship: Behavioral Health Initiative Scholarship ($5,015), HRSA-SDS Scholarship funded Leaders in Diversity and Resilience (LDR) Fellowship Program (On-campus program only) ($32,500 (Annual), and I also received a merit scholarship ($7,500.00). I also waived my health insurance. I was swimming in the munyun! However, here's when things get interesting! "I am in no position to turn down a scholarship, therefore I am unable work within your company" Within the masters degree in counseling program you have the option to go the MA in counseling in-person track or the MA in counseling online route. I can only speak about in-person, but there is part-time (three years), and full-time (two years). As an LDR scholarship recipient I was not only required to serve as a full-time on-campus student, but I also had to engage in full-time practicum hours. Practicum is a minimum of 360 total hours (12 hours per week for 30 weeks). Practicum offers first-year students an in-service learning opportunity related to the helping profession. A work around is students have the option to convert their full-time jobs into their field education site (if the site is mental health related) and that's what I did. I was connected to my practicum site and previous place of employment through Americorps. They were a host-site within the program and were hiring a College Success Advisor at the end of my service year. I interviewed with the company and they were aware that I was a student, but I had officially transitioned to the full-time track once I was awarded the LDR scholarship. They were fine with utilizing the company as a practicum host-site, but prior to receiving the offer letter I shared that I was also transitioning to full-time status. They did not like that news quite as much! Following my disclosure, I received an email from the company stating that, essentially I would need to pick between attending school full-time and working full-time. I politely sent a follow-up email expressing that I am in no position to turn down a scholarship of this magnitude and would be rescinding my offer. Conversations were conducted behind the scenes and they were able to make my changes work. My practicum location was hybrid which was great and as a college success counselor I supported students with their emotional, social, and academic needs related to applying to college and navigating their post-graduate plans. Becoming a therapist: semester one was a breeze! Semester two I was dissociating in class... During semester one of year one of the counseling masters degree program I took two courses. Semester two, I was taking six courses! Hello! A requirement of the MA counseling program is group and individual supervision. During group supervision I never really had much to share, but during individual group supervision the focus was solely on me and my clinical work. Therefore, I had lots to share. Becoming a therapist: Body (health) During the first semester, physically I was taking care of my body. I attended yoga on Wednesdays regularly. I was in a great space! My life was giving stay-at-home-wife with a side job to keep her busy. When my class load increased however, there was less time for yoga. There was less time for everything for that matter! I would often forget to eat, and drinking water felt like a chore. We'll call my individual supervision supervisor Ge. Ge would often provide me with tips to sustain and she often questioned how I managed to get registered for six courses. I was sleep deprived, dehydrated, and malnourished, but I did find my pace after the first break. Becoming a therapist: It does get better After sessions, I would often lay on the ground to decompress. Actually, prior to entering into the mental health and helping profession I would lay on the ground regularly. Now, being there was mandatory! This is not an exaggeration, I was passing out everywhere due to exhaustion! One time I was eating dinner and was sitting on the bench side of the dining set. Apparently, I had fallen asleep on the bench and when I awoken, my dad was staring at me asking if I was okay. Was I okay? The sessions weren't emotionally heavy, but my body was desperately longing for rest. I also didn't realize that I was on auto-pilot until I was granted a moment to pause. During that first break of the semester, I attended a stay-cation bridal shower at an Airbnb. I arrived early and decided to sit and watch tv. While watching the Paging Dr. Chanda Show on what was Revolt TV, I had an aha moment. As I watched as a Black Clinical Psychologist discussed mental health and Black mental health, something dawned on me. "I am really in school to be a therapist! I am going to be a therapist! I am going to do what she does!" In that moment, it was like a rush back into not only my body, but the present moment. Dr. Chanda was discussing Black mental health and as a matriculating Black therapist grad student I was neglecting mine. Becoming a therapist: summer courses I won't say that I was tricked into taking summer courses because the course schedule is on the website, but I was tricked! I was "tricked" into paying an out-of-pocket fee of five thousand dollars because scholarships do not cover summer classes. I used my Segal award from Americorps to fund the summer course fees. That summer I also used that time to move and to become a real estate agent! This is a segue to the spirit portion! Becoming a therapist: protect your spirit/protect your energy "I am dropping the marriage and family (couples and family) track because I do not see myself represented in the curriculum" A hidden caveat of becoming a Black therapist in the masters degree in counseling program is that there may be moments when you feel absent or underrepresented. This may apply to the physical space and curriculum. Many of the theories and teachings were based on and provided by white men. During my first semester a peer mentioned that she was quitting the LMFT track because she did not feel represented in the curriculum. Personally, I respected her decision, but I also did not understand quitting. What do you gain from quitting? The percentage of Black therapists is less than 5%. That for me was more of a reason to stay! I often express that I can make anything Black-related and that is how I approached the information. How can I tailor this information or supplement my learning to focus on Black (BIPOC) mental health and cater to diverse populations. Here's how I navigated the lack of diversity within the core curriculum within the masters degree in counseling program: Read books outside of class: My favorite and most helpful books were from here: Books That Every Therapist Should Read Ask questions: I spoke with professors and asked questions relating the information to diverse populations. One professor sent me an article related to Black Psychology and the Seven Psychological Strengths of African Americans Go the extra mile: I also signed up for the African American and Caribbean mental health concentration provided within my school as a concentration Don't ask for permission to be inclusive, just do it: for group presentations, I made sure to always include information for my peers related to diagnosis and working with diverse populations For the most part, my school is relatively diverse(ish) and inclusive(ish). However, there is still room for growth! Dealing with the issue of Race I am from the inner-city of Boston, MA. Boston is relatively diverse, however for a large portion of my life I was amongst the majority. In school, church, work, and my community. I did not begin to interact with predominantly white spaces until undergraduate school. Therefore, identifying micro-agressions, and feeling unwanted or unwelcome in spaces was not my reality. Unfortunately, for Black people and other POC that have had to "navigate spaces that are all white for no reason", where they are the minority they unfortunately adopt a more inferior role (as supported by Henry J. Long). I was not raised or conditioned as inferior, therefore I feel comfortable showing up authentically Black in all spaces. I do not believe in code-switching. I do however, believe in deference and professionalism. Unfortunately and fortunately because of my background, when I experience a microaggression, anti-blackness, and racism unless someone else calls attention to it, I often don't catch it until later. "Did this heifer just microagress me?" My school has double doors and on a snowy winter Massachusetts' day, I trailed behind another student. She opened the first door, saw that I was Black, stepped to the side, stared at me, and then waited for me to open the second door for her. Can you believe that? Once I saw her stop, in my mind, I thought, "girl, move, you're not moving fast enough. It's snowing and cold!" Yet, when I arrived at my seat in class and thought about what occurred, I thought to myself. "Did this heifer just microagress me?" I haven't seen her since and I think it's for the best! Misunderstanding or blatant racism in action? Either way, let's talk about it! There was another occurrence that I will not discuss in detail, at least not until I get my diploma in hand! In this instance, I felt singled-out by a professor, but race was a pivotal component (or at least that's how it appeared). Another student of a different race was engaging in the same behavior as I (which was using our laptops during a presentation), but I was the only one called out publicly. I approached the professor publicly, respectfully of course, and inquired about why I was singled out and the other person was not. Although, the professor was sitting between the both us! The issue was resolved(ish) and somewhat sparked a larger conversation, but this is not an isolated incident. Another fellow peer, experienced what one could interpret as racism that was heading towards legal action. Again, it's extremely important to protect your spirit. You will be tried, but it's important to advocate for yourself at all costs! Black Therapists—Surviving Grad School as a Black individual considering obtaining a masters degree in counseling. Here's my advice to protect your very Black Mental Health: Not all skin-folk are kin-folk, but there is power in community: find safe spaces in diverse groups where you are celebrated and not tolerated. You have nothing to prove, absolutely nothing! You are not the token or the spokesperson of your race. It's not your job or responsibility to teach or educate. Tell them to go read a book! There is power in numbers: If you see something say something, but also not everything is worth the fight. Stop asking "does that make sense": if it doesn't i'm sure that other people or that person will shed light on any informational deficits. If they don't, your point still stands. Get familiar with white supremacy culture and then do the complete opposite. Also, be cautious of anyone that upholds it Be very cautious of performative activism and white fragility! You deserve to be in your program! I don't care and that's okay: I'm not interested in talking about Gilmore Girls and Friends, therefore I am not going to pretend like I am to fit in! Link up with the Black teachers! Also, don't count out the professors that don't look like you! Still observe them and make a clear judgement, but don't assume that they're racist or out to get you just because they are of a different race. If it's not in the job description, I'm not doing it! Protect your peace and find ways to work smarter, not harder! (Jones, Kenneth and Okun, Tema. “Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups.”) Another minor tid-bit and grad-school pet-peeve of mine is related to full-group discussions. I hate when people raise their hand and say "kind of similar to Dasia's point" and then reiterate exactly what I just said. It's not kinda, it is! In closing for this section, whoever or whatever you believe in, double it. While you are in graduate school, stay prayed up! Becoming a Therapist: Mental Do I need a therapist as a therapist? Do I need a therapist as a therapist? The answer is "hell yes!" I posted this Tik Tok on my now inactive account @Dasiasaysso and had people reconsidering obtaining a masters degree in counseling and becoming a therapist. This was not my intention, but here's what they don't tell you about becoming a therapist. When engaging in a masters degree in counseling, many of the assignments will force you to reflect on your own past experiences and how the material relates to you. During orientation we were encouraged to seek out our own individual therapist to process not only the academic component of graduate school, but also the social and emotional toll. "I often feel like I have to trauma dump for a grade" During a full-group feedback forum in class, my peer shared that many of the assignments feel as though we have to "trauma dump for a grade." Everyone agreed and in-part, I agreed as well. However, my response was "I love a good story, and I am also not going to share what I am not comfortable with." Overall, not only are you navigating societal events outside of class, but the discoveries and new knowledge could shock you. For many people they become a therapist to heal their past and make amends with what was. Usually this presents as a savior complex. However, when confronted with their own unresolved trauma and complex family history, they are unable to handle the truth. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that you can't save your way to healing! "You could be losing your mind, fighting for your life, but people are texting you talking about how you're a bad friend because you don't text them enough" Speaking of your mind and mental health while navigating the masters degree in counseling. I never understood how people lost friends in graduate school. I get it now. You could be losing your mind, fighting for your life, but people are texting you talking about how you're a bad friend because you don't text them enough. Just let that sink in! As you evolve throughout the program, you learn how to set clear boundaries, how to prioritize your needs, and you change. Unfortunately, due to your inaccessibility and growth, they find any and every opportunity to challenge you. Graduate school, especially obtaining a masters degree in counseling is emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding. You can't be everything for everyone in your life, and there will be those who see this is as a threat! Isolation for elevation In addition to potentially losing friends or redefining relationships. Graduate school can feel isolating. Often times, leaning on your cohort is the most effective. People assume you're being dramatic when you express that your time is limited. However, every hour is accounted for and if you're not careful, you'll spread yourself thin while becoming a therapist. Don't let people steer you off course! If you're interested in becoming a therapist, nothing should stand in the way of that, especially if you're Black and POC. The field desperately needs you! Becoming a therapist: Post-grad plans Leverage your professors to assist with your post-grad plans for letters of recommendations, advice, and information once you obtain your masters degree in counseling. I had a meeting with a former professor to discuss the difference between a PsyD (or Doctor of Psychology) and PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). Hint: She described PsyD as a "super therapist" and PHD as research based. Being proactive with your post-grad plans is critical, especially if you're uncertain or open like me! I can discuss more about how practicum and internship have tweaked my targeted population of choice (especially related to Black male mental health), but for now i'll let you digest al of the information provided above. In closing, I leave you with this. "Their gods are gods of the hills; therefore they were stronger than we; but let us fight against them in the plain, and surely we shall be stronger than they." 1 Kings 20:23 The scripture above serves as one of my favorites recently. With the defunding and dismantling of DEI, it's important to fight, but fight on even plain and with a plan. We are fighting against systems and people that have privilege and practice to boost them up. By way of the scripture, they can only win when they have the upper-hand, but if we level the playing field we "surely shall be stronger." The counseling field desperately needs you! They can remove DEI, but we've jumped higher hurdles before! Disclaimer: The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.
Surviving Graduate School As A POC, BIPOC, or Black Person (MA in Counseling)
Let's talk all things helping professionals and becoming a therapist! I am on track to graduate, in June of 2025, from an accredited Massachusetts licensed mental health counseling (LMHC) and...

Book Review: Dr. Thema Bryant's Homecoming: Healing Trauma To Reclaim Your Authentic Self
"I invite your soul to tell your heart, mind, body, and spirit, "Welcome home." -Dr. Thema Bryant ‘Homecoming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self’ is a book that you read and then reread. The first time for your brain, the second for your heart. For many individuals that have experienced trauma (whether big T or little T) intellectualizing one’s traumatic experiences can feel helpful and necessary, but also emotionally limiting. Thinking ourselves out of feeling, whether intentionally or unintentionally is the norm. "I invite you to consider who benefits from your insecurities, your sense of inadequacy, and your deflated dreams." (Bryant, 2022, 209) Healing The Fragmented Self My internship supervisor asked me if I was in therapy and I told her that it doesn’t work for me. Ironic right, the girl in grad school to become a therapist is telling people that therapy doesn’t work for her. Well, I later explained to her that I need something with a little more kick. ”I genuinely think that I need trauma-informed therapy. I can talk you under the table and talk-therapy just isn’t a good fit for the type of work I think I need.” I have ghosted therapists because I struggled with communicating that journaling, solution-focused approaches, and short-term interventions are not going to push me to where I need to go. However, ‘Homecoming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self’ showed me that I’ve been emotionally stuck and I’m ready to move forward. I’m ready to return home. Many trauma survivors are desperately searching for that extra push. Not a push over the trauma, but a nudge through. A nudge letting them know that there’s hope on the other side. Dr. Bryant does a great job at utilizing anecdotes as a trauma survivor (without disclosing graphic or traumatic details) from her own personal experiences, and case vignettes of previous clients (minus their names or identifiable information) to provide examples and insight into how trauma impacted each individual. While no experience is identical to another, the case vignettes may offer a person healing trauma a sense of connection and belonging to cope with events that can feel isolating. "One way to reparent yourself is by creating opportunities and cultivating spaces for your joy to be unleashed, for your joy to come alive." (Bryant, 2022, 57) There were many key takeaways for me especially related to perfectionism, validation seeking, learning to ask for help, people-pleasing, resentment, and what a trauma survivor should look like. No spoilers, but Dr. Bryant writes about a conference that she attended. At this conference a woman approached Dr. Bryant and said loosely “you don’t look like a sexual assault victim.” Dr. Bryant did not respond immediately. Instead, she allowed space for silence and the woman broke down into tears. There is healing in the silence. This account also reminded me of the saying “thank God, I don’t look like what I’ve been through.” Dr. Bryant is a testament to that saying and exemplifies the idea that although an individual may have experienced heinous, cruel, frighting, isolating, and unjust acts, that doesn’t define who they are or what they can become. Dr. Bryant, while extremely knowledgeable and a trauma survivor herself, rarely uses psychological jargon to present information within Homecoming. The book is in “plain ol’ English”, meaning the language and tone offers an inclusive approach for readers of various ages and educational backgrounds. Homecoming preaches, but refrains from being preachy. "If your home was joyless, you may be uncomfortable with play and leisure." (Bryant, 2022, 57) Whether an individual is on a journey of healing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or complex post traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD, ‘Homecoming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self’ discusses how to identify disconnection from one’s self (mind, body, and spirit) due to trauma and different scenarios that can inflict trauma onto the individual, without being overtly graphic. Also, Dr.Bryant discusses toxic workplace trauma, oppression based trauma, losses, and breakup and divorce. ‘Homecoming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self’ is less about processing trauma immediately or reading about others oversharing trauma as seen in other books. Instead, Homecoming serves as the introduction to identifying (if applicable) your trauma and how your trauma may impact your mind, body, and spirit. As well as information to support the reader on their journey home to themselves amidst disconnection. During the Societal Trauma segment of my Trauma and the Contemporary Family course my prof. shared the video You Can Heal Intergenerational Trauma TedxTalk with the class. Inspired, at a loss for words, dignified, validated, and proud is how I felt after completing the video and finishing the novel. Within the video Dr.Bryant spoke with such conviction and strength that even the most insecure individual would feel born-anew with each word. My professor knew that I was reading Dr.Bryant's book prior to watching the video and during group supervision she asked for my thoughts on the video. "Thema Bryant lives what she teaches (and preaches) and it was nice to put a face to the information." This book will spark transformation and was validating in many ways. Homecoming put language to the feelings that I struggled to name for myself and ideas that I did not have the knowledge to identify personally. Bryant knows what to say and when to say it. I tend to speed read but at one point, to paraphrase, Bryant writes that it's not a race, slow down and feel what you are reading. This was in the section about perfectionism and I realized that even with an absence of competitors I am still competing. Within the course we are also currently reading In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness and Waking The Tiger Healing Trauma is also another renowned trauma related book by Peter A. Levine. Within the Unspoken Voice, Levine discusses how a client experienced a rather cathartic release of trauma, one where they imagined themselves as a tiger. When engaging in trauma work, Levine expresses that it's important to avoid a retraumatization in therapy of the the client. Dr.Bryant's novel is great for working through and identifying trauma, while Levine's book Unspoken Voice does well at addressing how to talk about trauma in therapy. While healing trauma from the client's perspective, its advised to avoid retraumatizing yourself. Retraumatizing yourself can look like engaging in uninformed trauma work. To avoid retraumatizing yourself avoid moving too fast too soon. Avoid tapping into memories and events without having the coping skills or grounding skills to recenter yourself before, during, and after. Also, establish a self care plan and consult with a trauma-informed professional while engaging in trauma related work and reliving past trauma. The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema I finished ‘Homecoming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self’ and wanted more of Dr. Thema Bryant. She mentioned her podcast in the beginning and end of the novel and I decided to take a listen. I intentionally sat in the sauna for the duration of an episode, which was about 40 minutes. I was willing to cook to heal my trauma. Dr. Bryant's voice is slow, melodic, serene, and centering. I listened to three episodes in one gym visit. As a therapist-in-training I admire the work and genius that is Dr. Thema Bryant. As an individual overcoming childhood trauma, in finding Dr.Bryant I found the nexus and missing component to heal trauma and invite my soul to tell my heart, mind, body, and spirit, "Welcome home. Disclaimer: The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.
Book Review: Dr. Thema Bryant's Homecoming: Healing Trauma To Reclaim Your Authentic Self
"I invite your soul to tell your heart, mind, body, and spirit, "Welcome home." -Dr. Thema Bryant ‘Homecoming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self’ is a book that you...

Books That Have Helped Me As A Graduate Student Therapist
The best books for therapists that I have found that are not about therapy. I recommend these books to anyone, but especially to new therapists and practicum students.
Books That Have Helped Me As A Graduate Student Therapist
The best books for therapists that I have found that are not about therapy. I recommend these books to anyone, but especially to new therapists and practicum students.

The Vibes on Instagram are Treacherous and Here's 3 Reasons Why
'How to delete instagram account' is my top search often and the thought sits comfortably at the brim of my mind. Every time I open instagram, a little voice inside of me is asking "how do i delete an instagram account" more specifically, how do I delete my instagram account? Living without instagram seems like a utopia in comparison to remaining connected to people that we should have disconnected from long ago. With an increase in META and data farming, I wonder if social media is still a place for us to share and connect with others freely. Instagram must be amongst the list of worst social media apps out there, which is unfortunate because when it was first developed, Instagram served as a method to remain connected to friends and family, similar to Facebook. Now, social media feels less social and more like the only way to stay connected to people within our immediate sphere. We rarely talk about the negative impacts of instagram and the dangers of instagram for adults. Here are a three inferences as to why we believe the vibes on Instagram are treacherous and living without instagram feels ideal. Let the stragglers go: people you should have disconnected from ages ago still have access to you Many of us have followers from high school, elementary school, preschool, old coworkers, old flings, and failed talking stages. There are people that we should have left behind, but somehow we are bringing them along for a journey that they should have lost access to long ago. There are also those that live by the philosophy of "letting my haters see me win", but that mentality might be counterproductive and holding you back. With Instagram, we are consumed by follower counters and likes. Instagram runs on engagement and when your followers are intentionally not engaging with your content, this can hinder your comfortability with sharing aspects about yourself that are authentic. There are people who will not miss a story, but will scroll past your posts. The negative impacts of instagram unfortunately can impact your self-esteem, forcing people to compare, suppress, and create false identities to appease others and the algorithm. Go where you are loved and appreciated! Get rid of the stragglers and post that sandwich that you loved. Remember when people would post food with those deep-fried filters on Instagram? That's the instagram I miss! Did I consent to this: There are countless uses for Instagram, but you opt into an unofficial dating app, Linkedin, Facebook, WebMD, and class reunion all combined every time you open the Instagram app: Picture this, you just did your makeup perfectly, I mean face BEAT down, you even pass the flash test. You know you look goodt and you feel compelled to share your beauty with the world. You post with the intention to share without expectations, but somehow that action invited unsolicited DMs, heart-eyes, and often times vulgar remarks. There are those that want and long for the attention, but then there are others who want to post freely without objectification. Many of us utilize Instagram as a method to document our lives, somewhat like a virtual time capsule. However, there are other users who have different ideas. Instagram for them is a dating app. Then there are the pseudo instagram doctors and professionals that knowingly provide misinformation. The vibes are clashing and there is minimal space for imperfection. Once upon a time we only interacted with our followers, now we rarely see the content from our followers! The social culture of Instagram is not rooted in community, but pay-per-view at the palm of your hand There are those that utilize Instagram as a job and means to pay their bills and then there are those who just want to vibe! In the words of Joseline Hernandez, "can I live? I mean WTF!" The shift from consumer, to commodification of the human and human experience was a gradual one, but we are navigating the ramifications of the change and negative impacts of instagram currently. When we wanted to escape reality we would watch a movie or TV show, now we tune into the lives on complete strangers. The parasocial interactions have convinced us that we are close to people that we have never seen before. We seen this briefly with celebrity culture, but the everyday person can become an "influencer" overnight through virality. When the Tik Tok Ban began, never once did we consider moving to Instagram full-time. Moments before the official Tik Tok ban, we posted a photo thread titled: Life after deletion: how to continue to grow and heal outside of Tik Tok. Within the post we provided our Tik Tok community with tips to navigate life post the ban. For many of us, social media was our way to cope with the pandemic and build community amidst such an isolating global event. Social media served as that vessel, but it's important to return to our roots. Roots related to connecting with people authentically, being creative, and sharing freely, and unfortunately Instagram is no longer a safe space for that. Disclaimer: The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.
The Vibes on Instagram are Treacherous and Here's 3 Reasons Why
'How to delete instagram account' is my top search often and the thought sits comfortably at the brim of my mind. Every time I open instagram, a little voice inside...

Navigating & Combating AI and ChatGPT For Your Mental Wellbeing
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) begins to dominate and become widespread, it's important to consider a few things. There are pros and cons in reference to the utilization and normalization of AI within multiple industries, and our everyday lives. However, how can we navigate and combat the overconsumption and distribution of AI and ChatGPT for our mental wellbeing. The Jetsons portrayed AI and futuristic living as one of simplicity and advancement. Within The Jetsons, humans employed technology to make their lives easier, but there was still a sense of connection and community. On the contrary, The Flintstones lived within a more pre-historic depiction of living, but the sentiment of community remained. While the two fictional cartoons show the evolution of life within an imagined reality, we are now living within the age of technology. The Jetsons thought that we would have flying cars, but instead our reality is heading towards one with parallels to the hit movie I, Robot (2004), but there's hope. With the rise in AI there is an uprise in the spread of mis- and disinformation. There is a constant struggle in determining if the content we are seeing is factual or riddled with fictitious beliefs with a hidden agenda. Between artificial intelligence books, artificial intelligence news, artificial intelligence movies, and artificial intelligence pictures, one can ask, will we be safe from an AI generated reality? The headline "Tyler Perry Puts $800M Studio Expansion on Hold After Seeing OpenAI’s Sora: 'Jobs Are Going to Be Lost'," caught our attention because Tyler Perry's work is safe from duplication. At least, that is the assumption. Can AI truly capture the essence of a Tyler Perry movie? Tyler Perry's plays may have survived the reign of AI, but Madea goes to... for the 500th time can possibly be duplicated utilizing AI, due to the formulaic plot points. Unlike his more recent work, spontaneity, originality, and authenticity within his plays correlate to Black Psychology and how Black people could survive AI supremacy. While an AI generated Madea film sends chills up our spine, there's a lesson in how we can combat the over-consumption and reliance on AI for our mental wellbeing as Black individuals. In our opinion, the only way to beat AI is human connection, but how does this relate to Black people? Did you know that Black Psychology inspired Positive Psychology? During my therapy with couples course, my professor threw in the fact that Black psychology inspired positive psychology as a quick fun fact, but I wanted to learn more. He emailed me 'Black Psychology: A forerunner of Positive Psychology', an article by Aaron Bethea that provides insight into the theoretical approach. Upon reading the article, my biggest takeaway was "the seven psychological strengths of African-Americans (Bethea, 2020)." These seven psychological strengths have contributed greatly to the survival of Black individuals within racist systems and cruel circumstances. Seven Psychological Strengths of African Americans By: Dr. Joseph L. White Improvisation AI thrives on pattern recognition, systems, and consolidated information provided through user engagement. We are AI, but AI is not us. Meaning, every time you ask ChatGPT a question or provide a prompt you are training the machine to act and think in a manner related to the humans contributing to it's capability, but there are limits. There are cultural limitations and nuances to the Black experience that AI is incapable of duplicating. Think of the Black church, the spontaneity related to praise, song, and dance is unmatched. Resilience Black people have managed to survive the most heinous of experiences. Positive Psychology was inspired by the resilience and attitudes of Black people and their capability to cope with oppressive and racial strife, while living in America. AI is incapable of emulating the Black experience cocktail of resilience and success. Connectedness to Others Black people often adopt a more collectivistic and community based mentality contributing to our strengths and survival. AI feels individualistic and person-centered. AI gives the individual information based on their needs, with minimal wiggle-room for imagination. Many people have expressed that they have utilized ChatGPT to supplement therapy. Can ChatGPT truly challenge and understand the complexities of the human experience? There is an emotional component associated with community, and one can argue that emotional intelligence serves as an area of lack for AI. Connectedness to others and one's innate need to feel safe and belong also correlates to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Spirituality The strength of spirituality is a protective factor and a cumulation of the three previous strengths. Spiritual relationships, practices, and beliefs may vary across religions, but one can argue that spirituality universally is one's connection to the intangible rooted in faith. With cultural considerations there are many cultures that believe in spiritual gifts, such as clairvoyance. ChatGPT and AI cannot mimic one's spiritual gifts, ability, and connection to the intangible. Emotional Vitality Black people are "full of life" in the midst of adversity. Rooted in our laughs, tears, and pain there is an emotional energy of positivity and light that is comparable to gold that AI is incapable of replicating. Gallows Humor "Playing the dozens", "roasting", "Black people don't take nothing serious" are a few of the great practices and attitude associated with Black humor. We can make light of the most unfavorable circumstances, which is a practice that AI is incapable of capturing. The comedic genius of Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor, Dick Gregory, Wanda Sykes, Martin Lawrence, and many others is unique to their personal Black experience, one that cannot be emulated with a machine. Many of us "laugh to keep from crying," which has served us well in our survival. Healthy Suspicion of you know who Lastly, the final strength is our healthy suspicion of "you know who." You know who, and this is a great closing strength. Who created AI and ChatGPT and who are they exploiting to maintain and develop this new device? Remind you of something? Black individuals have been strategically excluded from various advancements and implementations within "the new world." Yet, we are used to maintain and create these same entities. Understanding AI What is Artificial Intelligence by John McCarthy within the article 'What is Artificial Intelligence', defines AI as, "it is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable." AI is not all bad and here are a few of the advantages of artificial intelligence. Accessibility, customer service, generating information, and simplifying information, to name a few. However, AI further contributes to the idea of perfection and perfectionism within our larger society. AI lacks creativity and bases information on previous information, many believe that AI will impact employment and will "steal our jobs," and there is room for potential bias based on programming. Also, not to mention AI contributes to global warming due to the amount of water required to sustain the machines, energy consumption, and electronic waste. Black Psychology With more information about Black Psychology, strengths of African-Americans, and the connection to AI, we would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. As many embark on their healing journey and/or attempt to heal their mother wounds with the support of our workbook, continue to think about the strengths of African-American and how that relates to your journey. Disclaimer: The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis. Keywords: Ask artificial intelligence, Artificial intelligence definition, Artificial Intelligence Book, Artificial Intelligence News, Artificial Intelligence Movie, Artificial Intelligence Benefits, Advantages of Artificial intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Article, Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons, Artificial Intelligence examples, Mental Health AI Chatbot, AI mental health diagnosis, AI mental health therapy, Artificial Intelligence Therapist, Black Psychology, Positive Psychology
Navigating & Combating AI and ChatGPT For Your Mental Wellbeing
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) begins to dominate and become widespread, it's important to consider a few things. There are pros and cons in reference to the utilization and normalization of...

10 Things Every Free Woman Should Know From The Book 'What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day'
"I sat down at the kitchen table, picked up a pen, and wrote in the margins: to nurture free, independent, women who can take care of themselves, choose their lovers wisely, and raise their children right." (Cleage, 1992, p. 157) Have you ever wanted someone to tell you how to live your life as an adult? Have you longed for someone (anyone) to provide you with the cheat code to happiness? We're all attempting to figure out this thing called life, but what helps is having the resources and advice from those before us. Our reparenting and inner child healing workbook provides eleven tips to heal and reparent your inner child, and while reading 'What looks like crazy on an ordinary day (#1 Idlewoood)' for our book club we stumbled upon more Black women self care gold. The ten tips provided are comprehensive and necessary. While our workbook highlights Black healing, mother wound healing, understanding the mother wound, primarily the mother wound in daughters, here are ten tenets every free woman should know according to Ava Johnson. 'TEN THINGS EVERY FREE WOMAN SHOULD KNOW' From The Book 'What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day' 1. How to grow food and flowers 2.How to prepare food nutritiously 3.Self-Defense 4.Basic first aid/ sex education and midwifery "I leaned over to check the list again, then took it and wrote these five additional off the top of my head as subsets of the basic sex education component. Don't f*ck men you don't like. Bring your own birth control. Practice safe sex every time. If it's hurting you, it shouldn't be exciting him. Don't fake—demonstrate." (Cleage, 1992, p. 160) 5.Child care (prenatal/ early childhood development) 6.Basic literacy/ basic math / basic computer skills 7.Defensive driving/ map reading/basic auto and home repairs 8. Household budget/ money management 9.Spiritual Practice 10.Physical Fitness/health/hygiene (Cleage, 1992, p. 158) Disclaimer: The contents of Sincerely Sanguine's (SS) Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the SS Site (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the SS Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 or local emergency number immediately. SS does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SS, SS employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of SS, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.
10 Things Every Free Woman Should Know From The Book 'What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day'
"I sat down at the kitchen table, picked up a pen, and wrote in the margins: to nurture free, independent, women who can take care of themselves, choose their lovers...
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